Toad 10预计在今年10月发布


Toad 10预计在今年10月发布,但对测试新版本感兴趣的人士可以被邀请下载beta版。可以加入Toad for Oracle beta项目,网址:,按照产品开发体验Toad新的功能。Toad 10 beta功能每周都会更新


Toad 10 is expected to release in October, but anyone interested in test-driving the new release is invited to download the beta today! Join the Toad for Oracle beta program at to experiment with Toad’s new features and follow the product’s development. Because this is the beginning of the Toad 10 beta cycle, testers should visit often to see the new functionality as it is gradually incorporated into the product – there are weekly updates!